AbyPer S.A.
Av. Del Barco Centenera 3115 - CP 1437
Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel: (+54-11) 4919-4100
Fax: (+54-11) 4919-4111
Email: info@abyper.com.ar
Website: www.abyper.com.ar
Contact: Ing. Luis Lewin
Basalt Environmental Equipment (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.
Challenger Group
1, Warwick Street,
Hull, United Kingdom HU9 1ET
Tel: +44 0 1482-224404
Fax: +44 0 1482-210808
Email: rg@challenger-group.co.uk
Website: www.challenger-group.co.uk
Contact: Richard Green
Tel: +64 (9) 373-0730
Mobile: +64 (50) 228-6308
Email: igal@technolink.co.il
Website: www.technolink.co.il
Contact: Igal Gandashe
SSI Shredding Systems - Japan
1F 1-6-1 Otemachi,
Chiyoda-ku, 100-0004,
Tokyo, Japan
Tel: + (03) 5219 1266
Fax: + (03) 6841 3821
Email: TTakeuchi@ssiworld.com
Website: www.ssijapan.com
Contact:Tsutomu Takeuchi
NNF Corporation
2F ASC Bldg, 65-14, 1Gongdan-ro, 6-gil,
Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 39379 Korea
Tel: +82 (54) 461-1718
Fax: +82 54 461 1719
Email: kimhoesik@naver.com
Website: www.nnf-nichidai.kr
Contact: Kim Hoesik and Shin Heeyeon
Recycling & Engineering Co., LTD.
Hot Line-service: +886-932195654
Post: No.102-2, Dongshi St. KEELUNG city, 20546 TAIWAN
Email: yochern.charles@msa.hinet.net
Tel: +886 (2) 2457-3459
Fax: +886 (2) 2459-2279
Website: www.recycling.com.tw
Gov’t sector and water related waste
River Engineering Company Limited
555 Soi Lardprao 64, Lardprao Rd, Wangthonglang District
Bangkok, 10310 Thailand
Contact: Narittipoom Insarn
Phone: +66 (2) 932-7788
Email: riverengineering@yahoo.com
Private sector
TJ Green Energy Company Limited
70/135 Ramkhamhaeng 164, Minburi,
Bangkok, 10510 Thailand
Phone: 66 2 300 4518
Email: Verney@tccg.co.th
Contact: Veeranun Kanchananimmanon
Challenger Group
1, Warwick Street,
Hull, United Kingdom HU9 1ET
Tel: +44 0 1482-224404
Fax: +44 0 1482-210808
Email: rg@challenger-group.co.uk
Website: www.challenger-group.co.uk
Contact: Richard Green
SSI Shredding Systems - USA
9760 SW Freeman Dr.
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Toll Free: 800 537-4733
Tel: +1 503 682-3633
Fax: +1 503 682-1704
Email: sales@ssiworld.com
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